#product: 16 posts tagged

The Decoy Effect: More options for an easier choice


The Decoy Effect is a cognitive bias that causes people to have a strong preference between two options, when presented with a third option that is inferior to one of the original options.

There's no right way to do it


Building products comes with a sisyphean paradox: The blessing is that there are so many ways to do it. The curse is that there are so many ways to do it.

Chase your interests to build something useful


Explore the power of hyperfixation on the internet, from tech enthusiasts diving deep into topics to engineers creating innovative solutions. Discover how curiosity can lead to expertise and groundbreaking tools.

Do this with Your Product Waitlist: A Guide for Indiehackers and Startup Founders


Learn strategies to leverage your product waitlist for sustainable growth. Ideal for indiehackers and startup founders, this guide offers actionable tips to convert initial interest into paying customers.

Breaking the cycle: Data-driven product descisions


Learn how to escape common product development pitfalls using data-driven decisions. Read how Craftwork used analytics to optimize their user experience.

Continuous self improvement and the morning ritual


Reflecting on my morning ritual, journaling for clarity, and podcasts for your morning walk

My startup got into Y Combinator


Well, our startup did - Craftwork is a tech-connected home painting company that is making it easier for homeowners to get their homes painted.

Two truths and a lie: what Meta got right with the Threads launch


Meta's new app, Threads, is a Twitter clone that launched last week. It's not perfect, but it's a great example of a product launch that went extremely well.

Maximize user retention: the cognitive science approach...


Understand how multitasking affects your customers' memory, and improve your product design and engagement with cognitive psychology and the Zeigarnik effect.

We hurled a people into space by building a pool: the case for simplification


Everyone has their moonshot: something that seems impossibly difficult. We can learn a lot from the people who have landed their own moonshots.

Why Liquid Death's branding is murderously effective


Discover the science behind naming and branding, and how the Bouba/Kiki effect can help you create a brand identity that resonates with your audience.

Perception and unexpected tricks of the mind


Explore the fascinating world of perception and cognition in the Tiny Improvements newsletter. Uncover the unexpected tricks of our minds and learn how to make tiny improvements in our cognitive abilities.

These are the books that shaped my career


A sampling of books that have had a fundamental impact on my career as a designer, developer and startup founder.

The case for continued learning, and getting side projects out the door


The end of 2022 brought about a ton of change for me, and a major shift in my career. I'm excited to talk a little about what's next, and to show off a side project I'm readying for release soon.

Customer experience, quality, and the hype cycle


The Gartner Hype Cycle, and its relationship with customer experience for new products and companies.

How do you choose the right CRM for your product?

You're building relationships with all of your customers, whether you know it or not. Setting up the right CRM for your product can help make those relationships stronger.

You're building relationships with all of your customers, whether you know it or not. Setting up the right CRM for your product can help make those relationships stronger.

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© 2019-2023 Mike Bifulco

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Disclaimer: 👋🏽 Hi there. I work as a co-founder & CTO at Craftwork. These are my opinions, and not necessarily the views of my employer.
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