#react: 24 posts tagged

Add custom fonts to Next.js sites with Tailwind using next/font

Learn how to add custom fonts to your Next.js app using next/font and Tailwind CSS. Improve user experience without sacrificing performance.

Learn how to add custom fonts to your Next.js app using next/font and Tailwind CSS. Improve user experience without sacrificing performance.

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The case for continued learning, and getting side projects out the door


The end of 2022 brought about a ton of change for me, and a major shift in my career. I'm excited to talk a little about what's next, and to show off a side project I'm readying for release soon.

JAM Stack, SSGs, and their role in empowering the creator economy

Tools like Eleventy, Hugo, Gatsby, Svelte, and others have given developers a superpower for quickly developing content-driven, easily manageable web properties. It's an exciting frontier for developers who are also content creators, but for non-technical creators, our favorite toolchains can feel like a labyrinth of indecipherable choices.

In this talk, we'll discuss our role in promoting the creator economy. We'll talk about the opportunity we have as developers in helping to democratize content creation for everyone, and the importance of creating a more robust, archival internet.

Check out the slides

Proximity Acquires SMPL Software

A screenshot from a press release announcing proximity acquiring smpl

In early 2020, smpl was acquired by Proximity. I was cofounder and CEO of smpl - we proudly helped independent coworking spaces manage their communities with automated billing, invoicing, and community management. It was a wild ride, and I couldn't have done it without my two amazing cofounders.

We were acquired by our biggest competitor, Proximity, who are continuing the dream by creating a network of amazing, independently owned coworking spaces around the world.

Read the press release about the acquisition to find out more.

There is another (paywalled) article on Business Insider about the acquisition, too!

More about smpl on Crunchbase.

Tools we used to build smpl:

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© 2019-2023 Mike Bifulco

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Disclaimer: 👋🏽 Hi there. I work as a co-founder & CTO at Craftwork. These are my opinions, and not necessarily the views of my employer.
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