#founder: 3 posts tagged

Do this with Your Product Waitlist: A Guide for Indiehackers and Startup Founders


Learn strategies to leverage your product waitlist for sustainable growth. Ideal for indiehackers and startup founders, this guide offers actionable tips to convert initial interest into paying customers.

The first 90 days as a technical cofounder - building a startup in 2023


I'm building a new company for the first time since 2016. A lot has changed since then. Here's what feels different this time around.

50 Most Powerful startups in Charlotte

Screenshot: 50 Most powerful startups in Charlotte article by Axios Charlotte

I was cofounder and CEO of smpl, a SaaS startup helping independent-scale coworking operators automate their business. We were featured in a 2017 Article by Axios Charlotte (then called The Charlotte Agenda) as one of the most powerful (lol) startups in town. Pretty cool!

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© 2019-2023 Mike Bifulco

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Disclaimer: 👋🏽 Hi there. I work as a co-founder & CTO at Craftwork. These are my opinions, and not necessarily the views of my employer.
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